As your baby gets older, he is going to be interested in seeing new things, making new friends, and eventually visiting new places. Not to mention that by eleven-months old, your baby is going to be able to understand a lot of what you are saying, and he can even follow simple directions. All of the stuff that your baby has learned has been through playing and talking with your baby. For babies, playing is a critical part of their development because as they play they are developing their fine and gross motor skills, their vocabulary, and their social skills. The best thing that you can do for your baby is to have fun and play with your baby to help him grow.
Here are some tips you can follow to help you play with your eleven-month old baby.
Tip One:
Make new adult friends. Even though your baby might still be suffering from some type of separation anxiety, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested in making new friends. Babies are enthralled by meeting new people, so you should make all of the new friends that you can. One way to make some new adult friends is to join a playgroup for your baby’s age; this will also allow you to meet babies the same age as yours so your baby has friends as they get older.
Your baby learns as she plays.
Tip Two:
At eleven months old, your baby is just starting to develop her sense of humor, so chances are she will laugh when you do something that isn’t right. You want to encourage your baby to laugh, so sit down on the floor and do things that will cause your baby to laugh or let your baby do things to make you laugh; chances are they will still laugh along with you. For example, pretend to drink from their bottle or try putting on their shoe, and then let your baby put on your shoe.
Tip Three:
Sit down on the floor and play with your baby. One thing that you can do is push a toy through some kind of tunnel so that your baby starts looking for it to come out the other side. Once they are eleven months old, your baby is going to know that toys do not just simply disappear; they should even start to begin looking for the toys in different places soon. You can also roll a ball back and forth between the two of you. In the beginning, you should put up pillows or something along the edges so the ball doesn’t get to far away from your baby. As time goes on your baby will get better at controlling the movement
Tip Four:
Pretend play is also a big thing at this age. Get out the dolls or stuffed animals and help your baby dress them. You can even find them a doll that comes with buttons, zippers, snaps and so on, so that they can practice doing everything on their own. In the beginning, you will need to show them how everything works, but with a little practice, they will get great at it. Remember always let them try to do it on their own, if they don’t try they are not going to learn how to do it.
Tip Five:
Flour paint is also something that can be fun for your eleven-month old. With flour paint, all that you need to do is spread the flour out on a smooth hard surface and allow them to draw in the flour. You can start by showing them what they are supposed to do with their fingers by taking their finger and moving it along in the flour. Soon they will get the idea and begin drawing on their own.