Despite the debate of who is harder to raise, boys are! Boys are harder to raise for any number of reasons. The following are the top reasons that a boy is harder to raise:
Communication skills are often lacking.
With girls it is easy. Your daughter walks in the room upset, you ask her what is wrong, and you grab a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn and listen to the mini-drama unfold. You offer sage wisdom, which is ignored, and you let her get past the drama. With a boy however, you might as well get a pair of pliers as you have to yank the information out of them. Boys are not as forthcoming with their info, and thus, if they come in upset, they require a lot of prodding. They will fight with you, without words, and be frustrated, etc. It also means more problems for you to deal with, as they will not be as responsive with teachers or others. They may not process their feelings as well either.
Physically more danger.
The safety issues with raising a boy are far greater than the safety issues of raising girls, which makes everything harder. You have to worry far more because you never know if they are going to need a trip to the ER, or at least some bandages, pain killers, and laundry soap. Boys wrestle. Boys fight. Boys jump without looking, and take chances. The stress it can cause, and the sheer amount of energy it can require to keep up with so much activity is overwhelming. Thus, it is tiring to keep up with boys when raising them.
Boys are harder to discipline.
The reason that boys are harder to discipline than girls is because of the nature of disciplining them. If you are going to discipline a girl, you can usually give them a stern talking to, or a verbal warning. Boys require a more hands on approach. You can’t just tell them that they need to stop, you have to get on their level, and touch them as you tell them. This is called tactile versus verbal. This means that you have to physically put them on a time out, or in their room for discipline.
Schooling is harder for them.
Schooling tends to be harder for boys. This is not because they are not as smart, but because in their early years, the setting for school is not ideal for their common instincts. Being inside and learning from books goes against their very nature almost, and so girls tend to excel in the early years. Most boys lag behind girls in developing attentiveness, self-control, and language and fine motor skills. Boys are more hands on learners, and so in those first few years of school, their learning is behind, and they tend to get bored easily, act out, and lag behind. This can be very trying for the parents of the boy.
These are just a few of the reasons boys can be harder to raise than girls.