Wanting to organize your child’s room and actually doing it are two very different things. Sometimes the sheer amount of toys, clothes, and books can cause you to shy away from wanting to organize your child’s room. Following are some tips for actually organizing a child’s room:
Tip #1: Start Small
Taking baby steps is a great idea under any circumstance. In fact, sometimes it’s the only way to get started. The overwhelming mess doesn’t seem quite so overwhelming if you’re only getting all the books together, gathering all the stuffed animals together or throwing all of the clothing together.
Tip #2: See It From Your Child’s Viewpoint
If you want to organize your child’s room so that it will stay organized, start by getting down on your knees and walking around their room that way. This allows you to see things as your child sees them. When you can see it from your child’s vantage point, it’s easy to see what is easy to get to, where things are easy to put away, what’s within reach and what is out of reach. This will allow you to make adjustments so their room is more kid-friendly.
Tip #3: Adjust Item Heights for Accessibility
If you want them to have easy access to the toys they organize, put them on a lower shelf. If you want their clothing to stay organized, lower the clothes rack. Where it’s possible and practical, put things like toys and stuffed animals where your child can easily reach them as this makes it easier for them to access them and put them away. Put items you don’t want your child reaching, or items you don’t want out, on higher shelves.
Tip #4: Invest in a Space Saver
A sturdy space saver is worth every penny you’ll spend on it. A space saver can be a closet organizer, a bookshelf or a cube unit. The closet could become more organized by adding a second clothing bar or adding a shelving system. You can dress up the area with fun, cloth-lined baskets and canvas bins, or example.
Tip #5: Label Everything
Create labels for everything as part of the organization process as this makes it easy to keep things organized. It is important that you label where things go and it’s also especially helpful for your child. Whether you’re using boxes, bins, baskets or just shelves, take the time to label things. If your child cannot read yet, label things with pictures.
Tip #6: Teach Your Children
Enlist your child’s help as you organize their room and quiz them on where items go once you’ve finished organizing their room. When you teach your child where things go, they’ll get put back more often than not. In addition to them knowing where they go, your child needs to know that it’s expected that they will put items away. Teach your child through example; this will likely be a process of trial and error.
Tip #7: Allow Them to Express Themselves
Involve your child in the organizational process, and create spaces where they can have the clutter they love. For example, hang a bulletin board up where they can post their artwork in any fashion they desire. Get them a magnet board, where they can put photos and other items to display. Allow your child to express themselves in an organized fashion. Soon your child will understand that there is plenty of space and a place for everything.
Tip #8: Remind Them Often
Kids are kids and will make a mess of their rooms from time to time no matter how well organized it is. To avoid this dilemma, set aside time each day where they re-organize and clean their room. Remind them as they play to keep things together and at least somewhat organized.