Decorating your home should be fun. However, if you have a tight budget, it can be a little stressful. Sometimes, if the budget is too tight, decorating gets left to the haphazard throwing together of a room. Don’t let this happen to your boy’s room. Instead, look to the following tips for great budget friendly decorating ideas.
Tight Budget Tip One: Look to your boy for ideas. No matter how much money you have if you decorate your boy’s room in a way that interests them, they will love it. So, start by watching your little boy, and decide what it is that captures their attention best. If your boy is always telling you about the bugs they found that day, then a bug themed room would be the best plan. If every time you turn on a movie for them it is Land Before Time, then a dinosaur themed room might be your best option. One of the reasons this is budget friendly is that often times you will have an abundance of their favorite type of toy, or the thing that interests them, and you can use this abundance in your decorating scheme. For example, if your child loves sports, you can use old sporting equipment for wall decor. This will give the room a unique look and costs nothing.
Tight Budget Tip Two: Don’t be afraid to make your own decor. Buying a plain colored lamp with a basic shade is going to be a lot cheaper than a specialty lamp. For example, a plain white based lamp with a plain shade will run you $10 at a store like Wal-Mart. You can then visit your local craft store and find vinyl stickers, or other items, including paint, that will work well to decorate your shade and create your own specialty lamp. Purchasing a specialty lamp will cost you anywhere from $30-$50. Of course this tip does not just apply to lamps. You can create your own art for the walls, curtains, bedding, knickknacks, etc.
Use your child’s interests as a guide.
Tight Budget Tip Three: Take advantage of your favorite thrift stores, consignment stores and secondhand stores. Most children are not easy on furniture, buying used furniture and refinishing it or painting it yourself can be a great way to save money and hassle. Buying a dresser new at a furniture store will cost you between $100-$300. You can often find a dresser at a thrift shop for $40-$60. Paint is cheap. Even new hardware is less expensive than buying a whole new dresser. Of course, you will have to spend some time to make your dresser look good. However, with fun things like unique hardware and great paint jobs, your child’s furniture will a good as new. This is also a great way to create unique furniture for your child’s room.
Tight Budget Tip Four: Check out garage sales, thrift shops and classified ads for great boy room decor. As children grow up they grow out of their room designs and want to redecorate. You can take advantage of this happening to other people and by great room decor for a fraction of the price. Of course, you will have to be diligent in watching the newspaper ads, and searching the thrift shops, but when you find a great deal the rewards will be worth it. Don’t let pride stand in the way of using secondhand items. Often they are still in great shape, and for the price you pay their worth it.
Tight Budget Tip Five: Use paint. A gallon of paint will cost you less than $30-$50 and can go a long way in decorating your room, whether you’re using it to repaint furniture, paint walls, or decorate plaques and signs for the walls.