When you decorate a boy’s room, you have to be careful not to overdo it. As moms, we get really excited about doing things and tend to overdo it. Boys are as fussy as we are about how their rooms are so you have to find exactly what he wants and what he would really like in his room. Themes are great because they allow creativity but you get to pick how much you do in the room. It doesn’t have to be this huge thing if your son doesn’t want it. Let’s look at some great themes for boys.
Boys love sports. They love playing all different kinds and really love the excitement and fun it gives them. Create a room around sports. You can pick one or a few and decorate the room with sports stuff. You can paint baseballs and footballs all over the room or put wallpaper up. Buy a bedspread that has footballs on it. Put up jerseys from players that your son likes. Have fun with it and really make the room fun. You can even put a basketball hoop up in his room.
If your son really likes a certain color, create a room around that. Make his room blue or green or whatever other color. If he likes a few colors that really go well together, mix the colors and create a room around them. You can use different shades to create a border and put up wall paper or paint shapes around the room for more decoration.
Use your son’s favorite colors in his room.
Boys also love animals. You can create a jungle room or a room centered around a bunch of different animals. You could design a safari room. You can paint a mural or have wall paper of animals. Use different colors to create grass or a sky. Have a lot of fun with it.
If your son has a hobby then create a room around that. If he loves collecting toy cars, make a room that has a bunch of car stuff. You can paint a mural of a car or a race car driver, or your son as a race car driver. You could also buy wall paper and line the room with it. Use colors that your son loves and ones that are on some of his toy cars.
Create a room from a favorite place. If he loves the mountains, create a mural of the mountains. You can also buy pictures of mountains or draw them yourself. Pick places that he loves and that you have gone on vacation. If he loves Disneyland, find as much Mickey Mouse memorabilia as you can. There are tons of pictures you can buy. You can also buy a bedspread that goes with the whole theme. Bedspreads really help to pull a room together and define it.
Themes are great for boys. They need some sort of definition in their room besides just neutral walls. They have a great imagination and need that expressed in their room. When you are decorating, think about your son and have him help you out. You will be able to get ideas from him and he will make it so much easier for you to decide how to create it.
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Have a great day!
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