Teens are all used to facing stress, however not all teens know how to cope with stress. Too much stress can be a bad thing as it can cause them to feel overwhelmed and lead to emotional or physical problems. Many teens turn to eating disorders when they deal with stress, others hurt their bodies because they don’t take care of them. Proper sleep is important as is exercising and eating right. Here are five ways to help your teens cope with stress:
Dealing with stress comes down to how you approach it. As a parent, you can help you teen cope with stress by helping them maintain a positive attitude. The teens that have low grades are often those that have poor attitudes towards stress. They give up after they fail once because they don’t like being disappointed. If they have a sour attitude, they never have to deal with disappointment for doing something wrong. As a parent, it is your job to catch your teen before their attitude gets to this point. You can help them stay positive by getting them the help they need to succeed. For example, if math homework is causing them stress, you need to sit down and help them with it daily. You might even consider hiring a math tutor. This way they will actually listen to the other person as they don’t always like to listen to their parents. Help your teen see all the positive things in their life. Make special efforts to help them visualize their success so they can maintain a positive attitude. If your teen has something to believe in, it will be easier for them to have a positive attitude.
Friends and Family
Coping with stress is easier if you have a good support group behind you. Teens with good friends and supportive family members are able to cope with stress easily as they know they can lean on others. Sometimes teens need someone else to talk to besides mom and dad. A school counselor, an aunt or uncle or grandparent are all great people to have involved in your teens life as they can listen and help them talk through some of their problems. If you teen is facing serious problems, you should consider getting some professional help. There are a lot of things that are hard to cope with and many teens need professional help to get through those times.
Get Healthy
It’s no question that exercise is good for your body. Make time to exercise as a family. It’s a fun way to learn to bond with your kids and it’s a great way to help them reduce their stress levels. Get rid of all the unhealthy junk food and provide your teens with food that is proven to reduce stress. Fresh berries like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are able to level off sugar levels and they can help teens cope with stress. Get rid of caffeine, this can actually worsen stress. Instead get some herbal teas like orange tea, its wonderful to help reduce stress. Incorporate more vegetables into your child’s diet. Asparagus is a great stress reducer and its extremely good for your body.
Teens often suffer from high levels of stress because they don’t get the proper amount of sleep each night. Make sure you have a strict bedtime in your home. Try to get your teen to sleep for 8-10 consistent hours. Be understanding of your teen if they need to nap, it’s good for them and it can help them work through stress.
Another great way to cope with stress is to volunteer. Get your kids to volunteer with your church or another local organization. Helping others is a great way to improve your attitude and it can help you cope with stress. The great thing about volunteering is that it can help teens develop self-confidence that they will need to improve their self-esteem.
I am a 16 year old teen and very well familiar with the stress teens have to go through these days because of finals, or mid terms, projects due and stuff . Rather I am going through it presently. I think the best way to go through is to eat healthy and have a little fun while studying . The child shouldn’t study continuously , there should be some breaks in between the study hours. I am an intern for the website Radical Parenting (http://www.radicalparenting.com) which is a website where teens give advice to parents and different issues are high lighted by them. We have an article similar to the one above that is titled as” What is ‘Crunch Time?’…and how to make it less ‘crunchy’.” It can add a little perspective to the mix. Feel free to check it out and comment on it.