Trying to lose those unwanted baby pounds after delivering can be frustrating at the least. Not only are you exhausted with a newborn, but you have to find time to work out and fit back into your pre pregnancy clothes. A healthy balanced diet certainly is part of losing the extra weight, however exercising also plays an important role in losing that belly. Here are some ideas for what exercises to do to lose your mommy tummy.
- 1.Crunches- Everyone pretty much knows what a crunch is and how much it can hurt. Crunches are great for getting the very middle portion of your stomach and helping to burn away the extra fat stores you accumulated during pregnancy. Start out slow; three sets of fifteen or twenty to begin with and then work your way up from there. Proper position for a crunch is lying on your back with your legs vertically up (in an L position). Your legs can be slightly bent if that’s more comfortable. Your arms may lie across your chest or behind your head, however do not use them to pull yourself up or you won’t be working your stomach muscles, you will be straining your neck. Make sure you feel your stomach tighten as you crunch.
- Side crunches- This is one of the most simple yet most effective exercises to help get rid of those extra love handles. Although you’re trying to get rid of the pouch in front from the baby, working out your sides is part of the process as well. This is still considered to be a crunch except you’re laying on your side. Place one arm on the ground to hold yourself up and the other hand behind your head. Your legs and arms are going to come together at the same time. You should feel your sides come together and will probably feel it burn once you have done enough of them. Once you have done a set of fifteen or so, roll over and switch to the other side.
- Leg lifts- This is a somewhat more difficult and will require some working up to, however these are a great way to get that tummy back to its great shape it was in before you were pregnant. It really works the lower half of your stomach although you will still feel its effects all through the stomach area. You do have to have access to a bar to hang from though which (unless you have access to a gym or a bar in your home) a lot of people don’t have. Hang from the bar and lift you’re your legs up to the top of the bar. If you’re not flexible enough to get all the way up you can tuck your legs up to your chest and life that way.
- Tuck ups- These are fairly simple to do but can really help tone that tummy. They mostly work on the lower portion of your stomach, like the leg lifts exercise, however you can still feel the effects all over. All you need is some space on the floor to do these. Sit on your bottom with your arms behind you supporting your body. Lift your legs and tuck them up to your body as high as you can. Then straighten them out and lengthen your body. Then bring your legs back into your chest once more, and then straighten. You can do these quickly or slowly.
- Sit ups- This particular exercise is easier when you have a partner to do them with, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. Sit ups will work just about every part of your stomach if you do them the right way. Make sure you keep your arms across your chest so you’re not using them to pull your head up. This will only strain your neck and do nothing for your stomach. Have someone sit on your feet, or put your feet underneath something so they don’t move when you do your sit up. Make sure you sit all the way up to your knees to get the full effect; that’s what makes them so great and different from the crunches that have already been mentioned.
Walking is the easiest and best exercise.
Getting rid of the extra baby fat around your stomach after giving birth can be a long road that requires a lot of time and patience. Hopefully these ideas on what exercises to do to lose your mommy tummy will get you started down the road to losing those extra pounds.