Finals and stress tend to go hand in hand, and it is no wonder why. You are asked to recall copious amounts of information that was covered over the last several months. You are in a high pressure situation, and your grade often depends on the final. So, with the importance of the test in mind, what are some things you can do to relieve stress during finals? Try the following:
1. Get organized. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. When you start to feel overwhelmed by what you need to know, and what you need to accomplish, your stress levels go up. However, if you come up with a plan to cover all of the materials, and make it a realistic and probable plan, you will feel better, and your stress will decrease. So, outline what areas need to be covered, and when you will do it.
2. Take breaks. Although studying for finals is crucial, it is also important that it does not become too all consuming. Think of your mind like a piece of machinery. If you run it too long without a break it can over heat, or may not function as well as it would otherwise. So, take the time to take breaks. For every couple hours of studying, spend at least half an hour having fun or doing something that has nothing to do with studying. This will help you recharge and refresh.
Break up your study periods to avoid burnout.
3. Get sleep. Too many people pull all nighters and skimp on sleep when studying for and taking finals. This is the worst thing you can do. Not only does sleep help you eliminate stress and the ill effects of it in your body, but it is also essential for top performance mental recall. If you want to do well on your tests, make sure your mind is rested and clear so that it can recall more rapidly. Drinking coffee, or loading up on caffeine to stay awake will only add more stress to your body.
4. Eat right. Maintaining your health, and giving your body the proper fuel during finals will help you eliminate stress and not add undue burden to an already stressed body. You should focus on eating snacks that are healthy, that provide protein and nutrients. You should eat your meals regularly, and eat fresh, all natural foods, that can give you the best health benefits possible.
5. Exercise. Exercise helps clear the mind and body of stress. It can make your mind clear and sharp. In addition, exercise will leave you feeling invigorated and energized so that you can focus on studying, and do better on your tests.
6. Study with friends. One great way to eliminate stress during finals is to study with a group. They can often fill in gaps on things you did not know previously, and add a more enjoyable element to the rigors of studying.