Grades 2–3
This activity introduces children to the scientific concepts of volume and measurement.
What You Need
- Measuring spoons and cups of different sizes
- Milk containers of different sizes—e.g., pint, quart, half-gallon and
gallon (or 1/2 liter, 1 liter, 2 liter and 4 liter) - Funnel
- 2 containers that hold the same amount but have different shapes—e.g., one tall and thin, one short and squat (try a 1-quart pitcher and the same-sized storage bowl)
- 1 sink filled with water
What to Do
Have your child fill a quart-sized container with water. Then help him to use the funnel to pour the water into a gallon-sized container. Ask him to observe how many small containers it takes to fill the larger one.
Continue by having him use the different measuring devices to answer question such as the following:
- How many tablespoons does it take to make half a cup?
- How many cups does it take to make a quart?
- How many pints make a gallon?
Set the short squat container next to the tall thin one. Ask your child to predict whether one container will hold more water than the other. Let him fill the short squat container with a given amount of water—for example, four cups if you’re using quart containers. Then have him pour this water into the tall thin container. Was his prediction correct? Ask him why he thinks both containers held the same amount.