Bloggers write for many different reasons, the primary ones being for fun and self-expression.* But connection with like-minded people, to get feedback from the community, and to participate in a community are also three very strong motivators.
Blogging for SurfNetParents offers you a sizable audience, and (for a select few) the opportunity to join our community as a regular, featured blogger. Additionally, the exposure on SurfNetParents can increase the reach of your own blog, as visitors follow your links to your own site.
Just what kind of exposure are we talking about? Well, I’ve been creating websites since 1996, and (this is kinda embarrassing) but I thought this snapshot from Google Analytics would say it best.
Twelve Million Visits a Year
Now, that traffic figure of twelve million visits a year is not hits, it’s not even pages, it’s visits. So if you visit one of my sites today, and look at six pages, and then tomorrow go to a different site and view three pages, that counts as two visits. Now, remember, this is for all 51+ of my sites put together. I am not promising you that a million people will read your blog post in a month on SurfNetParents!!!
So what I have learned in the last fifteen years about traffic? I’ve learned to build newsletter lists (I send hundreds of thousands email messages a month to subscribers who have “double-opted in.”) I’ve learned to cross-promote on Facebook and Twitter. I’ve learned a few other things too, but this page isn’t long enough to list them all 🙂
Getting back to the original reasons why people blog, and the creation of a community. I have a dream of creating a select SurfNetParents community of mommy and daddy bloggers posting on their own SurfNetParents blogs, who will support each other, learn from each other, and cross-promote each other.
If you are interested in exploring this dream with me, jump on board. First step is to join the Surfnetparents Guest Bloggers mailing list (see below). And second step is to submit a Guest Post via the online submission form here.
Why do you blog? Your comments and thoughts appreciated below.
I am very excited to become part of the surfnetparents.com community. I have a teenager and although I have lived through the early years, this stage has its own set of challenges. I will be submitting guest posts as soon as I get my first article written. I look forward to being part of this community.