Most teens look forward to summer with delight, and then spend the whole summer complaining that they are bored if you don’t fill their every moment. Of course, no parent should have to entertain a teen all summer, but it is wise to come up with a few great things for the teen to be involved in, and a few activities for them to look forward to. One such activity is a summer camp. Summer camps are educational, fun, a great way to socialize, and the perfect way for a teen to spend their summer. The following are a few summer camp ideas:
Happy kids are happy campers!
The first camp idea is for a camp that is for arts. These can consist of a camp full of lectures, classes, and techniques, where kids already invested in the arts, and who have a good idea of what genre or medium they are interested in. It will help them improve their existing skills, give them new perspectives, the chance to try new medium, and a time to focus on their art. Other art camps are similar to the art and craft section of a day camp or something, it is for the beginning artist teen that wants to express their creativity. Either way, an art camp will allow your teen to express themselves in healthy, productive ways.
Another great camp idea for teens is a sports camp. Many colleges and clubs offer or sponsor camps all summer long. They may be a day camp where participants come and practice, listen to lectures on strategy and technique, and then go home to have the rest of the day off. Other sports camps have dormitories, and the days are spend in classes, lectures, and practicing skills, techniques, etc. These camps are a great place to send a teen who participates in sports because it keeps them actively involved in it, and helps them get to know other kids who are part of it as well.
The next camp idea is a music or band camp. We have all heard the jokes about band camp, but it is a great camp to send your teen to. They will be able to hone their music skills, learn new techniques, practice with new people, and enjoy getting to know the insides out of music and playing with a band or orchestra. It is again, a great way to socialize with other kids involved with music, and give them a chance to expand their knowledge of the art.
Additional camp ideas include things like theater camps, outdoor camping camps, survival camps, church or bible camps, computer camp, space camp, and the like. You can find day camps, or ones where the kid stays in a dorm and is there for the whole week, and eats all of their meals there etc. Many colleges sponsor camps, churches do, and local community centers.