For the past few weeks, I thought I was a brilliant mom. You see, I decided to wake up around 6:00am every day in order to have a little time to myself. Time to drink coffee and eat toast. Time to reflect on life or surf the web. Time to medicate or veg out. It has been AWESOME.
Then, something weird started happening. I noticed that my two-year-old began to wake up a few minutes earlier each day. She used to wake up as late as 9:00am. If she woke up earlier, I was able to lull her back to sleep and I would slip away like a thief in the night.
This morning, however, she popped her eyes open at 6:10am and asked to start watching her shows. NOOOOOOO!!!!! What happened to my precious alone time? I love my kids very much, but coffee and toast isn’t nearly as relaxing and ritualistic when I’m being asked to crawl on the floor like a doggie.
Does this happen to anyone else? I’m sure it does. In fact, I know it does. I am in no way alone in my pursuit of momentary isolation. Maybe, just maybe, my toddler will decide to take a nap this afternoon (keeping my fingers crossed!).
Submitted by Isabel at