It’s almost impossible for anyone these days to do anything without having a credit card. Making hotel reservations and getting car rentals are two things that almost require you to have a credit card for making a reservation. Purchasing items with cash has become a thing of the past; it’s all about using credit. Prepaid credit cards have become one of the ways to use credit; they are widely used by people around the world and many banks. Here’s more information on prepaid credit cards and how to get a prepaid credit card that’s right for you.
Prepaid credit cards; what’s the hype all about?
Prepaid credit cards are quickly becoming one of the favorite ways to use credit; why? Well the best part about using a prepaid credit card is that you can’t ever spend more than what you really have. The way they work is the applicant will deposit a certain amount of money onto the credit card and know exactly what they have to spend. You can use them anywhere you would use a regular credit card and unlike a regular credit card you will never be charged late fees or interest. You can either use it by just putting money onto the card, or attaching it to a checking or savings account. It is very similar to using a debit card but with more benefits.
So how can you get a prepaid credit card?
Prepaid credit cards are simple to get; simply go into your bank or any bank that carries them and tell them that you would like to get a prepaid credit card. It’s really that simple. They can also be bought from specific stores so truly they are available almost anywhere. Businesses are also starting to use prepaid credit cards instead of issuing checks. They have also been used by some government agencies, unemployment, and other benefits payment types. Before you decide to get on though make sure that you compare the costs and features of the cards between banks. Although they do the same thing, the costs will differ somewhat whether big or small. Each card may also have different types of protection if it is lost or stolen so be sure to check on those too. Getting a prepaid credit card is easier than getting a regular credit card because there’s no need to do a credit check; you’re always approved as long as you have the money to put on your card.
What kinds of costs come with getting a prepaid credit card?
With prepaid credit cards you will never have interest charges since you are the person depositing the money onto the card. You may however incur some other charges such as fees associated with:
• Getting the card
• Adding money to your card
• Checking your balance
• Withdrawing money from ATM’s or banks
• Contacting customer service
• Replacing lost or stolen cards.
They have to have some way of making money right so although you don’t have to pay interest, there will almost definitely be some other charges that you’ll have to pay. Keep in mind that if there are any fees they will most likely be deducted from the balance on your card, so before running out to get one check with your bank (or wherever you buy the card) what kind of fees you will have to pay.
How to get a prepaid credit card? The answer to that is simple; go into your bank and ask for one. Getting a prepaid credit card that is right for you might take a little more homework and research on your part.