Many people have been gradually improving their credit scores ever since they got their first credit card. Other people find themselves behind on payments or paying high interest on loans because their credit score is just not that good. People that find themselves with low credit scores should not give up hope. They can begin to improve their credit today. Here are a few ways a person can improve their credit score quickly.
Correct Errors
One of the fastest ways a person can improve their credit score is to check their credit report. A credit report can be retrieved for free through certain websites online. Once the credit report has been acquired, a person needs to check for errors. They should check their address, spelling of their name, age, and any other personal information to be sure it is correct. If there is a mistake, this could be affecting the credit score.
A person should also check to make sure there are no flags on their credit report. If there are, a person should double check to make sure they are accurate. Does the report say that there are late payments on a credit card when an individual has not made any late payments? Correcting these problems can instantly improve the credit score.
Pay Down Debt
If a person has not been paying their credit card and loan payments on time and has built up a certain amount of debt, the person needs to figure out how to pay those debts down without taking out more debt. Because the credit score gives more weight to the recent payment history than the distant payment history, paying down debt and then making payments on time will quickly improve a person’s credit score.
One method for doing this is to create a budget. Identify every payment for a given month and balance that against the amount of money that is coming in. Then, flag all of the purchases that aren’t necessary. For example, buying a latte at the café every morning is not a necessary purchase. By avoiding the unnecessary purchases, a person will find that they have extra money to pay down their debt with.
Manage Credit Cards
Managing credit cards effectively will help improve credit scores. If a person has more than five credit cards, it may be a good idea to close a few. Then, a person should rotate through the credit cards. By leaving them dormant a person will not be improving their credit. But by cycling through the cards, they will be putting new purchases on each one and keeping each card active.
Also, a person should be sure not to max out their credit cards each month. If a person has a few cards, they should use a small percentage (usually twenty five or thirty percent) of each card and then pay those cards off on time. This will help boost the credit score quickly. A warning with managing credit cards is that if they are not managed effectively it can actually hurt a person’s credit score.
Improving a credit score quickly can be a challenging thing. It will definitely require a lot of work on the part of each individual. However, by checking for errors on their credit report, paying down their debt, and managing their credit cards, a person will be putting themselves in a position to increase their credit score quickly.