How might someone ensure their safety while at the beach or swimming pool this summer? It doesn’t have to be complicated, but it needs to be practical and fairly easy to do.
Sometimes we wonder if it is worth all of the hassle. It doesn’t always seem to be relaxing and peaceful when there are so many things to worry about. Did I pack this, did I pack that, and of course the non relaxing efforts of watching your child intently so as not to let them drown.
Let’s start with the obvious. Got sunscreen? It is suggested that it is not necessary to apply anything with a higher SPF rating than 30. The use of a product with higher SPF ratings is only subjecting you to more harsh chemicals than necessary to protect yourself from the sun. Make sure that the sunscreen is able to block both UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays are the most damaging and cancer-causing rays of the two.
How old are your children? It is a good idea to introduce young children to swimming lessons. This will help them become less fearful of the water. It is important to teach children to respect the water because it is so easy to drown if you don’t. Help them know their limits. Never let them swim where the water will be over their head if they are not a confident swimmer.
Some people suggest that when children use any kind of flotation device that it will teach them to have a false sense of the water. However, if you are able to show your child the difference between being in deeper water with and then without the flotation device, chances are that they will prefer the flotation device because it will allow them to venture beyond the kiddie pool. It comes down to a parent’s decision. In one opinion it is better to play it safe with flotation devices if you do not plan on being in the pool the entire time with the child. If you are with the child, it is a good time to go without a flotation device and familiarize them with the water. It is important to teach a child how to float on their back in case they wander into deeper waters and can’t swim.
There are several types of flotation devices for children to use in a pool or at a beach. Arm floaties are simple and allow the child more mobility than a body type of flotation device. There are body suit types of flotation devices. Some of these will tend to roll a child forward onto their tummies and make them feel as though they will fall too far forward into the water and give them more of a scare than helping them to feel safe. So look for a body suit flotation device that will keep them in more of an upright position. An excellent example of this is a flotation device that the child fits into like a swimming suit. It is a one piece suit with straps over the shoulders and integrated into the suit is an air filled tube. It is a durable tube that requires being filled with an air compressor. It allows a child to have a lot of mobility while feeling safe in the water.
Other items that will help you stay safe at the beach or pool are:
clothing to put over your suit if you should become sunburned
soothing gel in case of sunburn
flotation devices
The most important thing that you can do is to be responsible and keep a good watch on your children or make sure that they are with a responsible person that will look after them with a watchful eye.