If you have children you understand how much of a hassle it is to run even the most simple of errands. You may have been a highly punctual person before you had kids; in fact, you were probably on time for everything weren’t you? Well not anymore! Having kids adds time to everything and added time means added stress, hassle and inconveniences. Although there is no sure fire way to transform your kids into perfect angels while you go shopping, there are some things that you can do before you go shopping to keep yourself sane with children.
1.Pack the necessary supplies – Kids have a lot of necessary accessories that they need to have with them at all times. Such things would include wet wipes, clean diapers, a drink, snacks, something to keep them busy like a toy, and perhaps a favorite item like a pacifier or a blanket. As a parent you know what your child cannot leave home without. Make sure that you prepare for being gone twice as long as you think. The universe has a funny way of delivering a dirty diaper to you through your child on the trips where you did not think you needed to pack anything because you would “only be gone a minute.