Do you know about the Emotion Code & Body Code? It’s the simplest and fastest method yet devised to help heal emotional and physical imbalances, pain and illness.
I always knew the body could heal itself and that someday we would be able to communicate with it so we would know we were addressing the true underlying cause of symptoms. I appreciate the simplicity of this method and it’s focus on the fact that the answers to any emotional or physical imbalance or illness are inside of us.
The purpose of the Emotion Code and its complementary discipline, the Body Code, is to find and release underlying causes of disease and imbalances and to create conditions for the body to heal itself and stay healthy. Physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become more manageable. The basic premise is that everything is energy. It’s a matter of identifying and releasing trapped negative energy to allow the body to function normally again.
Practitioners muscle test a client directly, or connect energetically, even at a distance (this work is very often done via phone or Skype). With all “muscle testing,” one’s subconscious naturally reacts positively (with strength) to the truth and negatively (with weakness) to anything untrue. We ask “yes” and “no” questions and the body answers.
Imbalances consist of energies held in the body, most often trapped negative emotions of intense events from the recent or distant past; they affect physical tissues, which distort the body’s normal energy field and can cause acute pain and disease. Trapped emotions are the driving force behind PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias and all manner of mental and physical illness. They can block one from love and happiness and cause a disconnection from others.
Often, what we believe to be the reason for pain or imbalance is, in fact, not what is actually creating it. You can trust the body to provide answers and directions for healing. The rule is: anything can cause anything. As an example, a trapped emotion of feeling Hopeless at age 7 can be held in an organ or gland, and can later create a weakness making someone more susceptible to illness or injury in that area. Once determined, a trapped energy is released very simply using a magnet rolled along the body’s governing meridian.
Clients ask me how this can possibly work. My answer is ‘I have no idea’. But I ask them, why wouldn’t we be given something this incredible? And why would it come with restrictions, i.e. a need to be in the same room with someone. Why is it difficult for us to believe that we can communicate and gain access to the information held in our subconscious, and that we can help someone in this way even if they’re across the world.
There’s very little this work can’t help. Personally, I specialize in addressing digestive issues in children and anxiety in children and adults though I work with people with all types of physical pain, symptoms and emotional imbalances.
A client of mine wrote the following.
“Daphne has been working on my family for the past few months. I have seen life changing results personally in terms of my own panic and anxiety, but the most amazing thing we have seen is how she helped my then 8 month-old daughter. She had been having severe digestive issues, couldn’t tolerate solid foods, still nursed every three hours around the clock – so not much sleep for me – and she always needed to be held. After a few sessions we saw amazing results; she began to eat solids, slept more at night, but most importantly she found her smile! How do you thank someone for giving your child her smile? We are eternally grateful.”
One of my favorite things to assure clients of is that they don’t need to share anything uncomfortable or overly personal or tell their life story. It’s not necessary to go back into suffering in that way. Have you ever wished you knew if you were getting to the real cause of a symptom or situation? That’s what this work is about.
Submitted by Daphne Delouya – Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner