Grades 1-5
Putting away groceries helps children develop classifying and mathematical reasoning skills and the ability to analyze data.
What You Need
• Groceries
What to Do
• Make a game out of putting away groceries. As you empty the bags, group the items according to some common feature. You might, for example, put together all the items that go in the refrigerator or all the items in cans.
• Tell your child that you’re going to play “Guess My Rule.” Explain that in this game, you sort the items and she has to guess what rule you used for grouping the items.
• After your child catches on to the game, reverse roles and ask her to use another “rule” to group these same items. She might, for example, group the refrigerator items into those that are in glass bottles or jars and those in other kinds of packaging. She might group the cans into those with vegetables, those with fruit and those with soup. When she’s regrouped the items, guess what rule she used.