Grades 1-5
Learning to use a calculator can help children understand and apply estimation and mathematical reasoning skills, as well as learn addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
What You Need
• Empty containers (cartons or boxes)
• Old magazines, books, newspapers
• Calculator
• Pencil or crayon
• Paper
What to Do
• Help your child collect empty containers so that you can play as if you were shopping at the grocery store. Gather the items and put them on a table. Help think of a price for each item. Mark the prices on the containers. You can even mark some items on sale.
• Pretend to be the customer while your child is the cashier. Ask questions such as the following:
How much would it cost to buy three cartons of eggs?
If the price of soap is $5.00 for two bars, then how much does one bar of soap cost?
If I don’t buy the cereal, how much is my bill?
How much more will it cost if I buy this magazine?
• Show your older child how math symbols (for example, +, -, ÷, x and =) are used on a calculator. Help her add the prices of each item on the calculator and total the amount using the (=) symbol. Have her write the total on a piece of paper, which will be your receipt.
• Have your child estimate the total cost of the items you are buying. Have her use a calculator to see if her estimate is correct.