Helicopter parenting is when parents are extremely involved in their children’s lives. With the involvement and friendship between parents and children some wonder why helicopter parenting can be harmful to children. Helicopter parenting can be harmful to children when taken to extremes. Helicopter parenting can form a child’s dependency on their parents well past college age. Helicopter parenting can hinder a child’s chance to make it in the real world. It can also force a child to live out their parent’s dream and not find their own place in life.
When helicopter parenting is taken to extremes, the child’s dependency on their parents becomes more acute. This is because the parents have had such an intimate involvement with their children. Sometime the helicopter parenting starts at very early ages. Helicopter parents know what their children need to be doing and make sure the child gets the deed done. This can cause a child to not be responsible for getting to where he or she needs to be. If mom and dad are always there to make sure they are to practice on time, why should the child worry about it?
This involvement or helicopter parenting can be harmful to children because they will not grow up and just start taking control. They will always expect their parents or whoever to take care of “things” for them. Then where will this put the kids of today? They will not want to make any decisions or improvements on their own.
It’s not to say that we as a society need to do everything on our own. It is important to learn to work together and ask for help from others and others opinions. Helicopter parenting becomes harmful to children when they are not allowed to make any decisions for themselves while growing up. Helicopter parenting has been taken to extremes and the children are the ones who have to suffer through it.
Why is helicopter parenting harmful to children? It is because when children are pampered and protected to extremes they have no ability to make their own life in the real world. Constant pampering and protection by the parents will not allow a child to experience life and make any kind of deductive reasoning by themselves. They have to ask mom and dad first to see what they would do. This will go on into their college and professional years. At some point the umbilical cord needs to be cut.
Helicopter parenting can be harmful to children when the children are finally let go from the nest and they have no idea what it is in life they should do. Helicopter parents too often try to live their dreams through their children. The helicopter parent will start their child off in a sport or extra curricular activity of the parents’ choice. This will start early in the child life so that the child can have the best chance of becoming the best. Then the helicopter parent will constantly make sure the child attends practices and is making the most of the time with the expensive coach.
A helicopter parent guiding their child to fulfill the parent’s dream will be harmful to children. This is because the child is not fulfilling his or her own dream and life’s ambition. The child may figure out they like their parent’s dream in which little harm is done. But the child may find out they want to do something totally different. This is when it’s harmful to the child. The child will have to disappoint parents or themselves, either way the child is unhappy and the helicopter parent will seldom realize this. It’s hard for children of helicopter parents to find their own place in life.
Why can helicopter parenting be harmful to children? It is because of the constant hovering that the parent’s do doesn’t allow the children to be responsible. Helicopter parenting can also be harmful to children by not allowing children to find their own place in life. Helicopter parenting can be harmful to children when it is taken to extremes and parents are constantly hovering over their children.