How parenting boys is different from parenting girls is an age old question that many parents still debate. Studies are done all over the world looking for answers for these questions of how parenting is different for boys and girls and why it is different. Boys and girls are different no matter what; it is just part of their nature. Parenting these two different sexes will also be different. A parent can not react in the same ways to all their children no matter what type of sex those children are. However, there are differences in parenting boys and parenting girls. Here are a few of those parenting differences that any set of parents can experience.
One of the many differences of parenting boys and parenting girls is that boys seem to be busier. Boys seem to always be on the go from the very beginning of their lives. Boys run around a lot playing many boisterous games. Boys and their friends will also run around the house or the yard a lot more than girls are seen doing. It is thought that the small amounts of testosterone that a boy has are responsible for this busyness. Boys seem to come by these busy activities naturally. Many mothers of boys will say that their boys are just that way and always have been.
How parenting boys is different from parenting girls can also be seen in how boys and girls talk. On average girls learn how to talk sooner, and they talk more. Boys, on average, are later talkers and sometimes can have full conversations with a series of just three words. Boys seem to not need as many details as girls do when talking. Girls ask for details on everything and will talk about anything. Conversations with boys can be hard because of this and so a parent of a boy may need to try harder to talk with their boys.
Parenting boys is different from parenting girls because of their natures. Girls seem to be better at taking care of people from the very start of their lives. Boys don’t always show a big need to take care of people, unlike the girls. This seems to be something that is more of a girl’s nature much like the busyness is much of the boy’s nature. Taking care of people just seems to be something that girls do without prompting or teaching.
Another reason as to how parenting boys is different from parenting girls is that boys seem to be more truthful in their older years. Boys will tell you if they have done something wrong, girls tend to tip-toe around the truth for fear of being in trouble. Boys don’t care all that much if they are in trouble in the older years but it can be devastating to many girls.
Self esteem issues is another reason as to how parenting boys is different from parenting girls. Boys in general do not seem to have any major self esteem issues. If boys do end up with these issues it is at the beginning of puberty around the ages of nine to sixteen. Girls can start to have self esteem issues as early as four. This can create more drama in the house at a young age whereas with teenage boys it is easier to reason with them.
How parenting boys is different from parenting girls is a long list. Your children are all individual no matter what sex they are. You may have a boy that is very people oriented or a girl that loves to jump around and be wild. No matter how different it is to raise a boy or to raise a girl you will always have some trying ages.
I think that there are many differences, but that the stereotypical (boys are wild and girls are dramatic) notions can be exaggerated by different parenting styles.
As the mother of 4 boys (ages 8,6,3, and 1), I am very organized, consistent, yet loving and firm. In my opinion, my sons respond well to this. I feel that they need boundaries and guidance, yet freedom to make choices and independence to learn.
I have no qualms about taking all four of them to dinner by myself. While I receive many comments from people about how wild boys are or if I want to have a girl, we always leave receiving complements from nearby guests.
My boys are by no means perfect. I feel that once you know the differences, you can minimize getting stressed out by being patient, learning to laugh, anticipating their behaviors and responding to their needs.