Talking to your son about sex is not something that parents anxiously await for. Talking about sex can be one of the most difficult conversations you will ever have with your son. Sex can be a very embarrassing topic to discuss with your young son and yet it is something that needs to be discussed with them. Here are some tips for how to talk to your son about sex that may make sex easier to talk about.
First, before even beginning to talk to your son about sex you may want to make some notes for yourself about what you want to cover. This will help you if things get too awkward by giving you something to refer back to. You should also let your son know that you need to have this sex talk so that he can write down questions he may want to ask. This will give both of you something to start the sex talk with or even something to refer back to if need be.
When talking to your son about sex you will also want to be as matter of fact as possible. Try to keep your judgments to yourself and answer your son’s questions as honestly as you can. Be as friendly as possible with your son as if you were talking to a friend. This makes it easier to talk about relationships and the pitfalls of early sex. Being friendly with your son will help put him at ease and have him speaking to you naturally and unguarded.
Try to keep your sense of humor during this talk with your son about sex. This will put you both at ease and maybe give you both a great conversation to remember. Tell your son about some of your earlier fumbling when kissing the opposite sex. This helps your son to see that you are human too. Sometimes humor will allow for the lines of communication to be more open. Try not to make this sex talk so serious and you may have a very open discussion.
Talking to your son about sex should also allow him and you to talk about the responsibilities involved. Sex is not just for recreation and this is something that needs to be passed on to your son. There are ads about sex all over the media and they are not right. Your son is bombarded by those images on a daily basis and so needs to realize that these ads are not true. You need to reiterate to your son that sex is for responsible adults and the ads he sees do not show sex this way.
You should also let your son know that he needs to be responsible when he begins engaging in sex. Sex is a physical act but it can have really big consequences that even some adults do not understand. Talk with him about these responsibilities and what you expect out of him. Let him also explain what type of responsibilities he feels are important. Treat your son like the adult he is becoming and he will most likely be more honest with you.
Talking to your son about sex should include an open and honest conversation between the two of you. Start with both you and your son bringing questions and issues that you want to discuss to the conversation. Stay friendly and open with your son even if it is embarrassing at some point. The more open and honest you are with your kids the better the conversation can be. Let your son know that sex is more than just recreation and should be treated respectfully. You may want to refer to your religion for guidance in teaching your son about sex.
My son is turning 11, he is starting to hear things of a sexual nature at school. Is theer any guidance on what signs to look for to have the talk with him about sex, purity, and respect?