Puberty is something that every single person in the world goes through. You would think that that would make things easier for everyone going through it at the time, but it doesn’t. When your daughter goes through puberty it can be really hard for you and her. Let’s look at some ideas for how to deal with it and to help your daughter through it.
Everyone hits puberty at a different age. Girls hit puberty anywhere between nine and fourteen. Because it happens at different times, it can be really hard for young girls. Girls don’t talk about things like that, and so they rely on the support of their mothers, older sisters, or even father.
Being there for your daughter is one of the most important things you can do. Make sure she knows that you are there if she has any questions, or is scared about something. It helps her to know that even though she is scared about what is happening, that she has someone to talk to if she needs it.
Explain to your daughter what is going on in her body. If you haven’t already, give her the sex talk. It will help her understand a little better what is going on. Tell her all the changes that will go on. Tell her she will probably start wearing deodorant, she will be getting a more feminine body shape, she will probably start shaving, she will get more pubic hair, she will be gaining weight and height, and she will be beginning her period. Letting her know about everything that is going on will help her to stay calm when certain things happen. Make sure that you stay calm too. It’s not something to be afraid of, everyone goes through it and everyone will be ok after it.
Don’t just give your daughter a run down saying, “This, this, and this will happen. Any questions?” But really talk to your daughter and explain about things like how to use deodorant and razors. Explain about pads and tampons. Show her how everything works and how nothing that is happening to her will harm her. Let her know about why girls bleed and what happens to a girl’s body when she menstruates. If you didn’t get some books when you gave your daughter the sex talk, now might be a good time. They may seem a little weird but they will help illustrate for your daughter what is really going on.
Tell your daughter that she will be going through other emotional changes, like being really aware of herself and being more awkward during this time. Let her know that it is normal and that it is just a part of growing up. Tell her that she is still beautiful and a wonderful person. Assure her that you will always be there for her.
Let your daughter know about what is going on when boys go through puberty too. She needs to know and understand what is happening with them too. Assure her that they are going through the same thing, and even though no one talks about it at school, everyone is going through the same thing.
Tell your daughter that what she is going through is perfectly normal. Let her know that what she is going through is totally normal and that she shouldn’t be worried about it. Maybe have a fun day at the store where you buy all the girly stuff she will need and finish up with having lunch together. The more calm you are the more calm she will be too.