How your daughter dresses is one of the most argued about things in teenage girl history. Girls have been fighting about it with their parents for ages. Because there are so many fashions now that are so revealing, it is hard for a parent to teach a daughter to wear something modest.
Teach your daughter what is modest from the day she is able to know what she is really wearing. If she is used to wearing spaghetti straps and mini skirts from when she is five, she will find it hard to stop wearing them when she is twelve. Little babies and toddlers don’t know what they are wearing so it’s ok if you have an emergency and your baby has leaked through their diaper and you have to let them run around in their onesie because you forgot to bring an extra set of clothes. It’s ok. But it’s not ok to let your daughter run around in their undergarments when they are five. They know what they are wearing by then. They know that they look cute and everyone looks at them when they are running around the house wearing almost nothing. They love attention and will do it again just to get more attention.
This will continue as your daughter gets older. She will realize that boys give her more attention if she is wearing almost nothing, but it is the wrong type of attention. Explain that to your daughter as she gets older. Tell her that people aren’t always good in the world and that by dressing inappropriately, she is attracting people she doesn’t want to attract.
You will be teaching your daughter what is modest and what isn’t for years. She will constantly be asking about different styles and different types of clothes. Don’t get frustrated with her, but explain to her calmly why a certain shirt isn’t appropriate if she starts wondering why.
If you and your daughter are at the store and she wants to try on something but you think it is too low, let her try it on. The only way you will know for sure is if she really tries it on. There isn’t a point in getting in a fight if you can avoid it. If the shirt is too low, tell her it’s too low and she can’t get it. Don’t do it in an “I told you so” voice; that will only upset her more. If it’s perfect, then let her buy it and say something that makes her feel good about picking out clothes or something like that.
Help your daughter find clothes that are modest and that are all the new styles. It will help her know that she can look beautiful and not wear what the world might think is the most beautiful and that you won’t ever look beautiful without wearing it. Let her know that she doesn’t have to wear sweat pants and turtle necks to be modest. There are many clothing chains that are devoted to having great styles while being modest, and they usually look better than immodest clothes anyways.
Let your daughter know that you aren’t an enemy trying to not make her wear the latest styles or don’t want her to look great, but that you don’t want boys getting the wrong impression or for something else bad to happen. You only want the best for her.
You shouldn’t restrain what your daughter wants to wear.