Girls are often harder on themselves than they need to be. Most girls have a strong need to feel wanted and accepted by their friends and family. Girls need to have a good self esteem in today’s society that is so focused on comparing themselves to each other. If you are raising a daughter in today’s world, you have a large challenge in front of you. Everyone wants to raise a happy, confident daughter; here are some suggestions to help you.
Always be careful of the example you are setting for your daughter. If you have a negative self-image, chances are your daughter will have a negative self image. Young girls tend to copy their parents’ actions and if you are depressed about your image, she will notice this and mimic your example. Parents are the strongest influence in their children’s lives and without a proper role model; your daughter will begin looking to other sources for self worth. Even if you hate the way you look, make sure you are modeling self acceptance and self confidence to your daughter.
No one likes to hear that they are a failure or aren’t good at something. The pressures your daughter faces at school are enough to drive her up a wall. As a parent, you need to be the constant source of reassurance in her life. She needs to be able to come home to a parent who encourages her gifts and talents. If she tries for something and fails, be sure to help her by encouraging her to try again and to never give up.
Children need structure. If you have ever seen Nanny 911 or those other “reality” television shows, you have probably noticed a common theme with the unruly children; they do not have a structured environment to come home to. As a parent you need to clearly set rules for your daughter to follow and reward her for good behavior. Too often parents punish their children for breaking the rules, but fail to reward them for following them. Have a clear definition of what you expect and help your child work toward achieving the goal with you.
Far too often, body image and self image are confused in the minds of young girls. Most 5th grader girls will tell you that their idea of a perfect body is a celebrity in a magazine. Of course the only person who can look like the model in the magazine is the model! If your daughter starts to compare herself to models, be sure to catch it early. Typically this comparison leads to poor body image and their self worth begins to suffer. It sounds like your grandma talking, but remind your daughter that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Building self esteem and self worth won’t come overnight. Building this in your daughter will take a lot of time and patience on your part. Start with improving your home, if a child comes home to a place where kindness, sympathy and tact are present; they are more than likely to feel wanted and accepted and will have a positive self image. It is critical that you take the time to listen to your daughter. Far too often parents get caught up in their daily activities and don’t take the time to sit down and listen to their children. Try to find out what activities they enjoy and what hobbies they are up to. A good parent is one that listens to their children instead of talking over them.
Hopefully some of these tips will help you raise a happy, confident daughter. With all the pressures your daughter experiences, you need to be that one shining light of praise that will always openly accept her.
My daughter is 10 and got her period. It was really tough on her initially when she used to come home with stains. Luckily her aunt bought her adira period panties and she has not had an accident since then. I am so happy that we found these and would like all moms to get them for their daughters