Moms are some of the busiest people in the world. Their job is literally twenty four hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year. From the moment that they become pregnant they are watching over something precious. It takes a lot of work. Especially since most women are great multi taskers and can get many things done at once. Mom’s: take a day for yourself and create a spa day just for you. Here’s how.
Get the support of your husband or friends. If you can, have your spa day during the day when all your kids are at school. If that isn’t possible, or you have little kids at home all day with you, then hire a babysitter or call grandma. Don’t be afraid to ask your own mom or mother in law for a little help. Remember they were once young mothers with no time for themselves too. They will understand, plus they love seeing their little grandkids.
Get advice from friends or look on the Internet for the best at home spa techniques. If you haven’t been to a spa before, you might want to at least once and just see what it’s like. You will want to replicate things that you liked and things that you didn’t like. Buy everything that you will need. Make a list of things that you want to do. Make sure that you have everything that you will need before spa day.
Don’t forget to buy some food for the special day. You will want light foods and maybe other things like smoothies. Remember, you don’t want to get full and feel sick or bloated while you are relaxing, but you want to feel calm and relaxed and not hungry.
The morning of, get everyone out and about to the places they are going and start your day. Do lots of different things like some yoga and some time in a nice bubble bath. You don’t want to do the same thing all day because then you will just feel lazy and like the whole day was a complete waste. You want to be relaxed and feel rejuvenated for the rest of the month.
If you can, have your husband give you a massage. It will complete the whole day, and be the icing on the cake. Buy some massage oils. If you want you can also get a book on how to massage the real way. Most people don’t really know how to do it but the real way will help loosen up your muscles and completely relax you. Plus it will be a great way for you and your husband to help each other relax if you both learn how to massage and can do it for each other.
Creating a special day for yourself is so important. It will help relax you, rejuvenate you, and will give you time alone to relax that you desperately need. Don’t think that you are too busy or it’s too expensive. You don’t have to buy anything to have a relaxing day to yourself. You can just use shampoo for a bubble bath, do some yoga you can go along with on TV, and have your husband massage you if you want. No matter how much you do or if you only try a few things, it will help you relax and be better prepared for the upcoming weeks or months.
Liked the relaxing tips, Definitely going to try these with my wife!