Clutter can be overwhelming and most people try not to address it because it can be such a monumental task to try and tackle it. However, if you set your mind to it, you can tackle clutter a little at a time with amazing results.
Prioritize the clutter.
Start by making a list of the most cluttered areas of your life.
The fact is everyone has a little clutter somewhere, even if it is in their underwear drawer. So, if you want to tackle the clutter in your life, make a list of the places that are cluttered. That means you list things like “Tupperware drawer in the kitchen,” or “Kid’s closet.” Get specific because if you want to tackle clutter you should make it as manageable as possible. The smaller the tasks are broken down into, the easier it will seem. If you write down, “Kitchen” it will be extremely overwhelming still. The simpler the task, the easier it is to accomplish it.
Prioritize the list of areas that need to be cluttered.
Once you have created your list of areas to tackle clutter in, it is a good idea to start by prioritizing which things on that list should be your first priority, and which can wait a while. If you are not sure where to start, start by thinking about what areas you frequent most often. For example, if your bathroom is really cluttered, you might want to start there because chances are you spend time in it every day, and thus would benefit from de-cluttering it first. The closets that you rarely open, and that are a mess, can wait until the areas you do use frequently are organized and uncluttered.
Next, tackle that list one cluttered area at a time.
You do not have to de-clutter your house all at one time. In fact, it is probably best if you do not approach it that way. In fact, if you try and approach things that way, you will likely fail. The best option is to choose one task each day and give yourself a little time to do it. You will feel far better about things and your home if you work at it little by little and chip away at it. If you have a whole day to devote to it, do it, but if you don’t, then do a little at a time. As you do things a little at a time, you will see progression, and you will find motivation to move forward.
After the area is de-cluttered, you should try and keep it de-cluttered by taking a few minutes each week to keep it that way.
Let’s face it, homes have a way of getting cluttered quickly and easily. The table by the door that you throw your keys on probably gets cluttered faster than the desk in the guest room, but regardless, it too will get cluttered back up at some point. So, if you want to make life easier and tackle clutter better, then you should devote a few minutes each week to maintaining the organization and cleaning that you already spent time doing. So, if you de-clutter your pantry, and then you go grocery shopping, don’t just throw stuff in it, take a few minutes to sort items, and keep it organized.