1. A is for Answer
One of the things that annoy parents is when their children ask a million questions. If you do not want it to be two million, then answer their questions right away. You will find your children are far more enjoyable, and you enjoy being a mom more when you pay attention when they talk to you.
2. B is for Breaks
Take a break for yourself during the day or anytime you feel like parenting is a drag. The fact is that if you can give yourself some “you” time that is not going to involve your kids, you will enjoy being a mom far more.
3. C is for Creativity
Get creative with your kids. It is not fun to be a mom when you do the same things all the time. Life gets boring fast this way. So plan fun outings and adventures with your children, and get caught up in the excitement yourself.
4. D is for Dinner
Enjoy being a mom by actually sitting down while you eat dinner. Too many moms are up and out of their seat a million times during dinner. Someone else can get the juice out of the fridge, or can answer the phone, or you can call the person back after you eat. Eat as a family; you will find this time with your kids is really nice if you let it be.
5. E is for Example
Set the example of being happy. If you want to enjoy being a mom, having happy, healthy, and well behaved children really helps. The best way to get this is by being the example. Eat healthy, and they will. Be kind and say please, and they will. The better example of behavior you are, the better chance of happy parenting.
6. F is for Fun.
Have a fun time with your kids. Do fun things with your children. This does not mean you have to go places all of the time. However, have fun. Play games. Go to the park. Go to the zoo. Do whatever you want, but enjoy yourself with your kids.
7. G is for Get moving.
Part of enjoying being a mom means feeling good. One of the best ways to do this is to get moving. Exercise is great for you and for your kids. Exercise with your kids; it is fun, and gives you a chance to bond with them while getting healthier.
8. H is for Home.
Make your home somewhere you and your children want to be and you will enjoy being a mom more. Your kids will be happier, you will spend less money, and you will find that your family gets closer when home is somewhere enjoyable. Have things for your kids to do at home, and make sure they feel safe and secure when they are there.
9. I is for Inventive
Do not get boring. If you want to enjoy being a mom, do not just do mom stuff. You can still be young and fun, with your kids. Invest in some of the right tools to make being a mom easier. This would include stuff like a stroller so that going to the mall is easier.
10. J is for Juggle less stuff.
If you want to enjoy being a mom do not think that you have to do it all. The moms that think their kids always have to be perfectly dressed, that their homes have to be spotlessly clean, and that their grades are perfect, usually end up going crazy. (Not literally). So, take on less, and do not get stressed out if you have not cleaned your toilet in a few weeks.