Why is it important for moms to take a mom’s night out on occasion? Why should they leave the care of their child or children to someone else while they see a movie, get their nails done, go out to eat, or whatever other activity they choose to do? The following are some important reasons moms need a night out.
Gives mom a break. Taking breaks is critical to being a good parent. Even the person who loves kids more than anything can’t be around them all the time without losing patience or becoming frustrated. By having a mom’s night out, time dedicated to doing something you enjoy, you give yourself the pat on the back and break you need so that you can go back to being mom with renewed enthusiasm.
Gives kids a break. Sometimes it is good for kids to have someone else tend to their needs besides mom. When mom has a mom’s night out, dad can step in and get them ready for bed, etc. It offers them a chance to bond with their dad, learn some independence from their mom, and appreciate their mom more. Often it takes not having something to appreciate it.
Moms need a chance to rejuvenate.
Rejuvenates. Rejuvenating is a key part of good parenting. Most experts will tell you to take time for you each day, and allow yourself to mentally recharge. A mom’s night out is like a jump start. Instead of a slow recharge, it is like getting a full battery again. It gives you the refresh you need to go back at parenting, and all the joys of spit up, diaper changes, ungrateful children, playing cook, maid, chauffer, and more that go with it. Everyone needs time for herself once in a while, especially moms who rarely get a break from the demands of parenting.
Provides adult interaction. Taking an occasional mom’s night out means having some quality adult interaction. Moms often go days without having any real adult conversations. By the time their spouse gets home at night, they are too tired to discuss politics, etc. Instead they recount their day, address the next day, and go to bed. A night out means conversation without kids, and topics that adults can relate to.
Provides a reminder of who they are. Being a mom is a full time job, so much so that you often forget the other things you do. A mom can lose her identity outside of motherhood if she does not take the time to take time away on occasion. Most moms had a hobby, an interest, or something that helped define them before they had kids, and a night out once in a while allows her to keep that alive. You do not have to sacrifice who you are when you become a mom, and a night out for moms is a good reminder of that.
Last but not least, a mom’s night out will make mom happy, and remind her that she is important. When mom is happy, the whole family is happy!
Keith Wilcox says
I’ve been a stay at home dad for 5 years now. I have come to learn that one of the most important reasons for time with friends is Adult interaction (as you mentioned). It’s easy to start relating every daily event to a Dr. Seuss book or a Raffi Song. Yeah, we’ve gotta have that adult conversation now and then. Good advice.