If you have not seen it, ask to look at the No Child Left Behind Report Card for your school. These report cards show how your school compares to others in the district and indicate how well it is succeeding.
Find out if the school has a website and, if so, get the address. School websites can provide you with ready access to all kinds of information, including homework assignments, class schedules, lesson plans and dates for school district and state tests.
Help your child see that the mathematics he is learning is very much a part of everyday life. From statistics in sports to the sale price of clothing to the amount of gas needed to travel from one city to another, mathematics is important to us every day. Help your child to link his “school” math to practical events.
Point out that many jobs require mathematical skills. Your child may recognize that many people must have good math skills to do their jobs—scientists, doctors, computer technicians, accountants and bankers, for example. However, she may not realize that many other jobs also require math. Point out that math also is used in jobs such as running a business; being a plumber, carpenter, electrician or mechanic; being a salesperson or clerk; and designing clothes—or buildings. Let her know that having strong math skills will open up many great career opportunities.
Stimulate your child’s interest in technology. Help your child learn how to use calculators—but don’t let him rely solely on them to solve math problems. Encourage him to learn to use computers to extend what he is learning and to find math games and math-related websites that will increase his interest in math.
Show your child that you like mathematics. Letting your child see that you use math—and that you aren’t afraid of it—will go much further to building positive attitudes than just telling her that she should learn it.
Set high standards for your child in mathematics achievement. Challenge your child to succeed in math and encourage his interest by doing the kinds of activities suggested in this website and by trying many more activities of your own.