The following are five ways to be a great parent:
Number one: Respect your kids.
Great parents have a great relationship with their kids generally. While this is not always the case, it is always true that good parents respect their children, their children’s individuality, and they show that respect by letting their children have some say. This means they do not force their kids to do what they want, but rather lets them choose things for themselves. For example, a good parent respects their child enough to let them play volleyball even if they know their child would be better at cross country. Respect your kids, and ask for respect in return.
Number two: Give your kids responsibility.
Great parents do not just let their children fly through life, rather they make their children a part of the family team, and give them various responsibilities. They give them responsibilities like getting good grades, keeping their room clean, being home by curfew etc. There are consequences attached to these things, so when responsibilities are not fulfilled there is a punishment. Giving your kids responsibilities allows them to learn and grow and become better people.
Number three: Take time for you.
If you want to be a great parent you have to learn to take time for yourself on occasion. Great parents try to spend at least half an hour daily on something just for them. This should not be kid related. This helps you refresh and rejuvenate so that you can enjoy your children more and have the energy, patience, and mental fortitude to deal with the antics of children.
Number four: Enjoy your kids.
Great parents have fun with their kids. They get out and do things, they work together and play together. Great parents do not just provide the necessities of life, but also enjoyment and fun as a family. The best parents take their kids on vacations, and enjoy quality time with their children daily.
Number five: Be there for your kids.
Great parents are there when their children need them. Kids with great parents know that if they need mom, and she is on the phone, that they come first, and mom will call the person back. They know that when they get home from school, there will be someone there to remind them to do their homework. Great parents are waiting up when their child gets in from a date, just to make sure things went okay. Great parents are there for their children, and their children know it.