Preschool-Grade 1
A great way for young children to develop an interest in history is for parents to make books with history themes a part of their reading-aloud routines.
What You Need
Picture and read-aloud books about historical people, places and events
or with historical settings. For possible titles, see the list of books under the Books for Children heading of the Resources section at the end of this website.
What to Do
• Talk with your child about the book you’re going to read to her. Have her look at the pictures and notice costumes, types of transportation, houses and other things that show that the book isn’t about modern times. Talk with her about history—the story of past times.
• As you read, stop occasionally and ask your child to talk about a character or what is happening in the book. Encourage her to ask you questions if she doesn’t understand something. Explain words she may not know and point to objects that she may not recognize and tell her what they are.
• Show enthusiasm about reading. Read the book with expression. Make it more interesting by talking as the characters would talk, making sound effects and using facial expressions and gestures.
• Help your child develop a “library habit.” Begin making weekly trips to the library when she is very young. See that she gets her own library card as soon as possible. Many libraries issue cards to children as soon as they can print their names (you’ll also have to sign for your child). Regularly choose books with history themes to check out and read at home with her. And, when she is old enough, encourage her to continue this habit.
• After reading a book with a historical theme, encourage your child to make up a play for the family based on the book. If possible, allow her to wear a costume or use props that are mentioned in the story.
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