One of the best things you can do for your marriage is make an effort to amp up the amount of romance you have in it. There are small gestures, and little things you can do each day to improve intimacy and increase the romance. The following is a look at ten ways to put romance back in your marriage daily.
1. Have together time. Marriage often gets intruded on a little by children, work, and even things like television shows. So, make sure that you spend a little time together without interruption from cell phones, computers, or Prime Time television.
2. Don’t stop dating. Too many couples date and get to know each other, and work to impress each other until they are married, and then they give up on it and simply live with each other. After a while they become more like roommates then a couple. So, keep dating. Set a date night and stick with it. Make sure you spend time together every week.
Don’t forget to play with each other.
3. Try new things. One way to add romance to your marriage is to make a greater effort to enjoy time together. You can get a book on massage and learn to massage each other. You can learn to cook new foods, and cook for one another or such like.
4. Kiss goodbye. If you want romance, you can’t forget the little touches and embraces that never let that flame die. You have to kiss goodbye. You have to make a point of never letting your spouse leave for work, or even the grocery store without a kiss.
5. Say “I love you”. Too many couples love one another, but do not voice it. They assume the other one knows it, but it sometimes can be troubling, and actually cause doubt to spring up. Romance is difficult if doubt exists, so be sure to tell your spouse you love them.
6. Have a good time together. Romance does not have to be found in chocolate covered strawberries and nights alone in romantic places. Often romance is found more easily in just having fun together, even if it is while you do the laundry.
7. Make dates special. You won’t find romance if you never make it special to be together with your spouse. Most people when dating will make sure they are ready, looking good, etc. before a date. Sometimes though, after marriage it is easy to fall into habits where you simply go looking as you are. It is like going through the motions. Eliminate that mentality. Work to make each date special. Get dressed up. Do your hair. Wear make-up, cologne, perfume, and so on.
8. Plan for romance. If you want to have romance, plan for it. Do not just go on a date, or spend an evening together and hope it is romantic. Instead, make sure it is by planning a meal together, or an activity. That way you do not spend half the night trying to decide what to do together.
9. Express attraction to your spouse. Your spouse needs to know you still find them attractive. Often men put on weight, lose hair, or something similar. Often women get stretch marks after babies, gain weight, etc. This can make them feel bad about themselves and wonder if you still find them attractive. Make sure you express your attraction to them through your actions. You can pinch their bum on occasion. You can tell them verbally how attractive you find them.
10. Be thoughtful. If you want to put romance into your marriage everyday, you have to do something selfless everyday. This means do something for them. It can be something like picking up their favorite juice at the store, or something like washing their car, or fixing their breakfast.
Romance is not hard to come by if you work at it everyday, a little at a time.