Almost every person loves to laugh. Every once and a while you find someone who hates laughter, but they are fairly few and far between. Most people love laughter and feel that they need it in order to survive. Life is too difficult and challenging to pass through without … [Read more...] about Encouraging A Sense of Humor by Reading
Talking to Your Child About Hormonal Changes
Puberty is a scary time. Most of us don't remember how frightening it was. Our bodies were suddenly changing. Sometimes it seemed they changed over night. It can almost be like becoming a werewolf. Just as in those terrifying old horror movies, people suddenly change into … [Read more...] about Talking to Your Child About Hormonal Changes
Eight Tips for Taking Pictures of Pets
Pets are a large part of a child's life. If you have a child that enjoys taking pictures, you have probably noticed they take numerous pictures of their pets. As the parent of a budding photographer, you should teach them that they are the storyteller. Taking pictures is a great … [Read more...] about Eight Tips for Taking Pictures of Pets
Graduated Licensing Systems
Licensing a new driver comes with a great risk. New drivers have elevated crash levels compared to other drivers on the road. Drivers younger than eighteen are three times as likely to be involved in a traffic accident as compared to adults. Young drivers pose a risk to other … [Read more...] about Graduated Licensing Systems
Nine Digital Photo Basics for Kids
When most children get a hold of a camera, they begin to do one thing, point and shoot. Far too often children take too many pictures of nothing. Back in the day when digital photography didn't exist, a child could cost their parents a fortune in film and processing. If you have … [Read more...] about Nine Digital Photo Basics for Kids