Are you currently wondering how you are going to pay for college, or you want to pay for your child's college, but you don't know how? Don't be discouraged, there are many different ways to help you achieve this goal. Here is some alternate funding to help pay for college.529 … [Read more...] about Alternative Funding to Help Pay for College
Benefits of a 529 College Savings Plan
Are you needing to save up for your child's college education, but you just aren't sure how? There are some great savings plans out there that can get you on the right track to saving for your child's future. One of these great plans is called a 529 College Saving Plan. Here are … [Read more...] about Benefits of a 529 College Savings Plan
Tips for Toy Sharing at Playdates
Sharing toys is never easy for young children whether they have to share with siblings or friends. Playdates are a great place for children to learn and have the opportunity to share toys with friends and a great place for you to teach them how to do it. If you have ever had a … [Read more...] about Tips for Toy Sharing at Playdates
Tips for Making Playdates More Successful
One of the best parts about growing up (for a child anyway) is being able to invite friends over to the house to play. The difficult part about playing with friends, however, is that with conflicting schedules and so many other things going on there doesn't seem to be much time. … [Read more...] about Tips for Making Playdates More Successful
Playdate Etiquette
Playing today has taken on an entirely different meaning. Children no longer play freely, up and down the block with one another. No, playdates are the way to have children interact and socialize with each other and some can be quite formal while others are very relaxed and … [Read more...] about Playdate Etiquette