When you are first trying to obtain a credit card or other type of loan it can be difficult and frustrating if you do not have a credit history. If you are trying to establish your initial credit history you need to be aware that it can be a Catch-22. If you don't have any … [Read more...] about How To Establish Credit
How To Start Building Credit
You know if you've tried to apply for credit without any previous credit history that it's almost impossible to do. In order to build credit you have to have it, and in order to have credit you have to qualify for it. It seems like a vicious cycle where anyone without credit … [Read more...] about How To Start Building Credit
How To Build Credit Quickly
Most believe that in order to build credit you have to start when you're a student so that by the time you retire you'll have excellent credit; but by then you probably won't need it. The time when you need credit the most is usually the time when you don't qualify for it and … [Read more...] about How To Build Credit Quickly
How To Build Credit
It has become quite difficult to do anything today without some sort of credit history. Credit plays a part in buying a home, getting a job, renting an apartment, and finding low interest rates on loans. One late payment can send your credit score down the toilet and can haunt … [Read more...] about How To Build Credit
Establishing Credit In College
If you are a college student, then it's very likely that you have already received several pre-approved credit card offers. If you have not already received them it is very possible that you will soon so making a plan on how to establish your credit in college is crucial. It is … [Read more...] about Establishing Credit In College