Choosing which college your child is going to attend is a major decision that you and they are going to need to make. This is a decision that can not be taken lightly and a lot of thought and preparation must be put into the decision so that the right decision is made. One of the … [Read more...] about Finding the Best College For Your Child
Need to Know: The Too Busy Child
Kids today do not lead the kinds of lives that you and I did when we were young and there are certainly even more drastic differences between our children today and the childhood of our parents. Children carry their cell phones with them up and down the halls of their schools … [Read more...] about Need to Know: The Too Busy Child
College Trip Tips
Choosing which college your child is going to attend is a major decision that you and they are going to need to make. This is a decision that can not be taken lightly and a lot of thought and preparation must be put into the decision so that the right decision is made. One of the … [Read more...] about College Trip Tips
What You Can Do to Ensure Safe Teen Driving
Most parents are concerned with safety when it comes to their teen learning how to drive. While this is an occasion most teens (and parents!) look forward to for years, it can be scary as well as exciting for all involved. Because of a variety of factors, age and inexperience … [Read more...] about What You Can Do to Ensure Safe Teen Driving
Your Child Needs A Break: How to Ensure They’re Not Too Busy
In today’s busy world it is hard to know what kind of schedule is most appropriate for your children. For parents the daily schedule can become easily overwhelming. The pressure to juggle work, relationships, chores, and kids schedules has a tendency for mom and dad to … [Read more...] about Your Child Needs A Break: How to Ensure They’re Not Too Busy