Saving money can be easy. You don't have to do drastic things in order to save hundreds of dollars annually. Making simple changes to your lifestyle will have you spending money on things you need as well as things you want. Let's look at some easy ways to save money every … [Read more...] about Easy Ways to Save Money Everyday
Best Coupon Sites
Coupons can help you save tons of money. The problem is, you can't always find good coupons, or ones that are for things that you need. Luckily, there are tons of great websites that offer free or really cheap coupons which can help you save big money. Here are some great … [Read more...] about Best Coupon Sites
A Spa Day the Cheap Way
Going to the spa can be extremely expensive. You don't have to buy the most expensive facial or massage, but then even the cheapest ones aren't cheap. Here are some tips for having a great day at the spa, without breaking the bank.First of all, have your spa day at your own … [Read more...] about A Spa Day the Cheap Way
Allowances And Teens
The topic of allowances is highly debated. Some parents feel strongly that there is no need to give a child an allowance because children should be contributing to the family by working and doing well in school. Other parents see giving their children an allowance as an … [Read more...] about Allowances And Teens